Hiro Sakai's Ourobos is a seemingly unexplainable and impossible number prediction from a free selection of number cards and a dice roll.
No gimmicks or memorisation involved. An elegant and simple method to perform too.
Ourobos (by Hiro Sakai)
Hiro Sakai's Ourobos is a seemingly unexplainable and impossible number prediction.
You present an envelope to your audience, claiming it holds a predestined number. The intrigue deepens as you introduce a pack of number cards, inviting the audience to select six to form a six-digit number. To escalate the challenge, a dice roll is added to the mix. Handing over a calculator, you instruct the audience to multiply the six-digit number from the cards by the number rolled on the dice - Yet, when the magician unveils the number from the envelope, it miraculously coincides with the audience’s calculated figure
All props can be thoroughly inspected. No memorisation or sleight of hand - It’s straightforward to perform!
The cards are sufficiently large, making them ideal for both close-up performances and stage shows.